Ideology - The ideas and beliefs of the producer
Newspapers aim to inform the audiences as well as profit by giving the audience the stories they want to hear; newsworthiness
Broadsheet newspapers have formal modes of address, are more political and typically cost more as well as being physically larger. Tabloids on the other hand are considerably cheaper, the target audience for these are the working class. Local news tend to focus on news stories which are from around the local community.
Intertextuality - When a media product refers to another media product, and also when s media product only makes sense only though its reference to other media product.
Double mode of address - where a media product targets two different audiences.
Barthes also referred to this process as referential codes; intertextuality.

Possibly making reference to ghostbusters 2 in which they bring the statue of liberty to life, it also shows the background to look as if it's post apocalyptic; linking to the walking dead as well as World War Z. It also references Weeping angels because of the stone angel with a similar pose to how weeping angels look. It shows that the Daily Mirror clearly has strong feelings against Donald Trump. They've also encoded the possibility of a future major disaster in America, bringing misery and suffering. Audiences can negotiate this however they think but the main thoughts from the audience consist of negativity. Negotiated reading is that it's totally inappropriate because of reference to terrorism. The newspaper has a direct mode of address, and through the pronoun 'they' assumes the audience are British readers, and that we're not involved. It's polysemic meaning it has multiple readings which is important for a newspaper can branch out to a wider range of audiences
Difference between left and right wing:
the left–right political spectrum is a system of classifying political positions, ideologies and parties, from equality on the left to social hierarchy on the right. Left-wing politics and right-wing politics are often presented as opposed.

Newspapers aim to inform the audiences as well as profit by giving the audience the stories they want to hear; newsworthiness
Broadsheet newspapers have formal modes of address, are more political and typically cost more as well as being physically larger. Tabloids on the other hand are considerably cheaper, the target audience for these are the working class. Local news tend to focus on news stories which are from around the local community.
Intertextuality - When a media product refers to another media product, and also when s media product only makes sense only though its reference to other media product.
Double mode of address - where a media product targets two different audiences.
Barthes also referred to this process as referential codes; intertextuality.

Possibly making reference to ghostbusters 2 in which they bring the statue of liberty to life, it also shows the background to look as if it's post apocalyptic; linking to the walking dead as well as World War Z. It also references Weeping angels because of the stone angel with a similar pose to how weeping angels look. It shows that the Daily Mirror clearly has strong feelings against Donald Trump. They've also encoded the possibility of a future major disaster in America, bringing misery and suffering. Audiences can negotiate this however they think but the main thoughts from the audience consist of negativity. Negotiated reading is that it's totally inappropriate because of reference to terrorism. The newspaper has a direct mode of address, and through the pronoun 'they' assumes the audience are British readers, and that we're not involved. It's polysemic meaning it has multiple readings which is important for a newspaper can branch out to a wider range of audiences
Difference between left and right wing:
the left–right political spectrum is a system of classifying political positions, ideologies and parties, from equality on the left to social hierarchy on the right. Left-wing politics and right-wing politics are often presented as opposed.

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