Introduction to representation

Stuart Hall - Key theory 6 - theories of representation

representation - to show again; the producers; the ways in which a media product constructs the                                    world and aspects in it, including social groups, individuals and events.

Stuart hall is trying to say that all these things we have created: language; technological concepts are all the same, they're just represented differently. for example traffic lights using red, yellow and green and yet we decode those three colours differently, each having their own meaning.

who or what is being represented -> how is the representation constructed through media language -> what ideology is presented about the presented group -> what is the societal impact of this message on the group being represented

Ideology -  Beliefs and values of media producers
Polysemy - multiple meanings

'do you dream in chocolate' - Lindt Lindor advert - 

- 'smooth, flowing, luscious' 
- Close up shots making it quite uncomfortable for the audience 
- Chocolate is represented as a way to become sexually attractive
- Main colours in the advert are white, showing a luxurious tone, and brown for the chocolate
- The editing of the advert has made the advert quite slow paced
- The advert shows the kitchen mainly commanded by a man; dominant position as he's known as the    master chocolatier
- The women in the advert are shown to be the more submissive person in the scenario because of        how the man in the kitchen has made it and she's the one eating it.
- The woman is wearing pyjamas set in her bedroom, the chocolate is equal to sex, also seen through    the symbolic editing throughout the advert
- The way her head is rolling back whilst eating the chocolate is symbolic as well as also pointing t .    towards the sex again.
- the advert is just a representation of sex and chocolate combined to appeal to the audience which        could be narrowed down to young women. sex sells.

Superbowl commercial break 2018 - large diversity of people in the audience 

- Costs $4.5 million to show a 30 second advert during this commercial break.
- Mountain dew/Doritos advert uses Morgan Freeman and Peter Dinklage showing diversity as              Morgan Freeman is a black old man and Peter Dinklage is a middle aged dwarf.
- The whole advert is based on an idea that white and black people are different; using binary                oppositions with Morgan Freeman and Peter Dinklage.
- Budweiser advert shows a medieval battle between two english sides which consist of peasants and    dirty soldiers and in comparison to the 'Bud-Knight' which is seen as superior to the english soldiers
- The advert also shows a binary opposition from how the Bud Knight, who was visibly American        however America itself hadn't even been formed and recognised worldwide at the time.
- The Mexican avocado advert which is purposely meant to be known for the comedic tone of the          company even though there isn't a single Mexican person seen during the course of the advert.
