Learning conversation

  • What do you think has gone particularly well so far this year? What are your strengths?
  • What is stopping you from achieving your goals? What threats might you face, (for example not enough time, lack of organisation, pressure from other subjects...)
  • Identify 3 specific targets for yourself for the rest of this year. They can be both academic and organisational goals.
  • What grade do you want to achieve in media studies?
  • Do you have any suggestions about the course?

I think the way I'm learning lots of new terminology and putting it into use; new key theories and using them and I think one of my strengths is being able to use these terms I know and add lots of detail into a question given.

Just remembering things; once I know what something is and I use it in a question I'm fine with that term just if I go without using it for a while I sometimes tend to forget so just practicing questions with new terms will help.

3 Targets:

- Aim to use as many terms as I can, using as much detail.
- Be more descriptive.
- Keep my notes organised so I can easily revise from them.

I'd like to achieve a B or above. 

Not really; not far enough into the course to know if there's anything that could be done better.
