Audience Negotiations

In cultivation theory, the thing that is being grown is the producer's ideology; That people that watch and play violent games are aggressive people, and playing lots of these changes your ideology and how they distort your reality. However, this isn't accurate for most of the time, it only works on children, the most easily influenced people are children and the experiment conducted by Gerbner used children in it so this was how he came about his theory, but he didn't test it on adults or older generations as it doesn't influence as well or at all.

Hegemony - the rules we consent to in society

Adidas Leg Hair Campaign:

This advert received a lot of backlash, the model has been criticised for her leg hair in adidas' new campaign, as it isn't a hegemonic norm. Rape and death threats were sent to her as a result of the advert, she's broke a hegemonic norm in society and because of this people felt it was okay to punish her, the advert was meant to be controversial but not to the extent of receiving death threats. it may give off feminist views, equality is needed.

Stuart Hall - Key Theory 17 - Reception

Preferred reading; the right of reading a text, which can be enforced by positioning. This concept has to be approached carefully: often texts intentionally have multiple meanings/readings, and audiences can potentially get whatever they want out of any media text as we can see through the backlash received from the adidas advert above.

Dominant reading; that the audience agrees with the dominant values in the text, and agrees with the values and ideology it shows; we agree with the ideology shown through the media product. The same as preferred reading.

Negotiated reading; the audience generally agrees with what they see, but they may disagree with certain aspects. Like agreeing with adidas for trying to encourage feminism, etc however believe with vegan views so hate the leather shoes, so agree with some aspects but reject the others.

Oppositional reading; the audience completely disagrees with what they see, and rejects the dominant reading.

Con-Air trailer

Nicolas Cage is a likeable character due to how the producer illustrates his character as the 'good guy' in the film, because of how he was was in an unfortunate situation because of how he killed a man whilst protecting his wife from multiple thugs. throughout the trailer we're given the idea that he's genuinely a good person and how he's on a journey to get back to his family. We get a negotiated reading from this because of how the audience will root for his character because of his good intentions and how he's family orientated however he still killed someone and that's bad. the dominant reading from this is that the criminals on board the plane are awful people and have bad intentions and yet Cage's character just wants to get back to his family, he goes as far as using further violence to get to them, we get the idea that violence is fun and acceptable. the oppositional reading may be down to race, the only black character(s) we see are criminals and aren't seem anywhere else, which may touch a nerve. The primary target audience for this film would be predominantly male, 30-50 year old heterosexual and most likely American.

Image result for gucci guilty ad
Gucci Guilty Advert: 

The advert's primary target audience is younger adults, both male and female of both homosexual and heterosexual as the two models are visibly sexually appealing to the audience and continues to convince you that it's selling you a lifestyle, that you'll be in Chris Evans' position if you bought this fragrance. The Opposing reading is that the fragrance is fun, cheeky and even as far as saying cheating is acceptable as Chris Evans is married, this is further supported by the name of the fragrance; guilty. The dominant reading is Sexual desire; which is reinforced by the lack of clothes; low key lighting suggests a sex scene because of the seductiveness of the dim lighting, there are lots of ways of symbolising sex by using codes. The idea of the fragrance being a guilty pleasure shows the audience being rebellious, going against hegemonic rules but doesn't go against actual laws in society; Promotes sexual promiscuity.
