Hegemonic codes

Hegemony - the rules of parents, the law, etc. Rules we follow not             because they're legal requirements but because they're               the norm in society. The rules and restrictions we                   follow through consent. 

Examples of hegemonic codes:

- Parental
- Patriarchal
- Age 
- hegemonic standards of beauty

George Gerbner - Cultivation theory 

Key theory 8 - feminist theory - Lisbet Van Zoonen:

• Gender is constructed through codes and conventions of media products, and the idea of what is male and what is female changes over time
• Women’s bodies are used in media products as a spectacle for heterosexual male audiences, which reinforces patriarchal hegemony

Sexualisation - making something sexual through qualities or                        thoughts. Inferring something using symbolic codes

Objectification - objectifying someone, meaning you think of them                      as not a person, but an object instead without                      emotion.
