Group 1 - Distribution of the film
Distributed by entertainment one films, a production company in America. The film was premiered in Newcastle where the film was set. The hashtag 'we are Daniel Blake' went trending on social media. the film didn't really have any big named actors so it was harder to attract people to come watch it; it's target audience was 16+ but had a 15 rating.
Group 2 - Textual analysis
The film shows the realistic issues of the poorer parts of England, this isn't a usual convention as normal film trailers consist of happiness at the start and then the problem arises later. Daniel Blake isn't portrayed as a stereotypical wealthy, successful or attractive male but is made to seem like a generic working individual. Throughout the film Daniel wears quite bland clothing which suggests a few things, his lack of wealth and how he's typically average.
Group 3 - Ken Loach
Born on 17th June 1936, he's an english director of television and independent film. He has a social critical directing style and they're evident in I, Daniel Blake. 'A movie isn't a political movement, a party or even an article. It's just a film. At best it can add it's voice to public outrage.'. He was amongst the first British film directors to use swearing in his films which was very controversial at the time.
Group 4 - Social and political context
the theme of the film is a social realism film, draws attention to the bigger issues that aren't spoke about on a big platform like the film industry. Aims to draw attention to the real socio-political conditions of the working class.
Group 5 - BBFC, age ratings and regulations
BBFC is the British board of film classification and judges what age rating a film should have and have the power to determine whether or not a film can be banned in this country; they were established in 1912. Classification of media products: sex, drugs, discrimination, violence, swearing, etc. Regulations are the rules a media product has to follow in order to be released.
Group 7 - The welfare state and politics
Qualifying for benefits: you're on a low income, you have dependant children, you're sick or disabled. There are many different arguments to whether or not the benefits system has been abused by some and whether or not it could be improved. The tories don't have a social security manifesto whereas the labour party does, showing the lack of sympathy from the conservative party.
Group 8 - Funding and the commercial nature
It was funded by UK, French and Belgian production companies and was produced by Ken Loach. The setting is set in day to day scenarios with a realistic tone throughout the film which makes it differ to most other mainstream cinema, the lack of A list celebrities shows the low budget of the film in comparison to other films like straight outta Compton. The film aims to provide a message and create a connection with the working class.
Group 9 - textual analysis of the film posters
First thing the audience will see is the two award winning directors of the film, as well as the 'Palme d'or' film festival award winner. the title is rebellious towards society with the spray painted implying the social background the film is aimed at. Represents the idea of mystery and how they aimed to let the poster do all the talking because of how there isn't much text on the poster.
Distributed by entertainment one films, a production company in America. The film was premiered in Newcastle where the film was set. The hashtag 'we are Daniel Blake' went trending on social media. the film didn't really have any big named actors so it was harder to attract people to come watch it; it's target audience was 16+ but had a 15 rating.
Group 2 - Textual analysis
The film shows the realistic issues of the poorer parts of England, this isn't a usual convention as normal film trailers consist of happiness at the start and then the problem arises later. Daniel Blake isn't portrayed as a stereotypical wealthy, successful or attractive male but is made to seem like a generic working individual. Throughout the film Daniel wears quite bland clothing which suggests a few things, his lack of wealth and how he's typically average.
Group 3 - Ken Loach
Born on 17th June 1936, he's an english director of television and independent film. He has a social critical directing style and they're evident in I, Daniel Blake. 'A movie isn't a political movement, a party or even an article. It's just a film. At best it can add it's voice to public outrage.'. He was amongst the first British film directors to use swearing in his films which was very controversial at the time.
Group 4 - Social and political context
the theme of the film is a social realism film, draws attention to the bigger issues that aren't spoke about on a big platform like the film industry. Aims to draw attention to the real socio-political conditions of the working class.
Group 5 - BBFC, age ratings and regulations
BBFC is the British board of film classification and judges what age rating a film should have and have the power to determine whether or not a film can be banned in this country; they were established in 1912. Classification of media products: sex, drugs, discrimination, violence, swearing, etc. Regulations are the rules a media product has to follow in order to be released.
Group 7 - The welfare state and politics
Qualifying for benefits: you're on a low income, you have dependant children, you're sick or disabled. There are many different arguments to whether or not the benefits system has been abused by some and whether or not it could be improved. The tories don't have a social security manifesto whereas the labour party does, showing the lack of sympathy from the conservative party.
Group 8 - Funding and the commercial nature
It was funded by UK, French and Belgian production companies and was produced by Ken Loach. The setting is set in day to day scenarios with a realistic tone throughout the film which makes it differ to most other mainstream cinema, the lack of A list celebrities shows the low budget of the film in comparison to other films like straight outta Compton. The film aims to provide a message and create a connection with the working class.
Group 9 - textual analysis of the film posters
First thing the audience will see is the two award winning directors of the film, as well as the 'Palme d'or' film festival award winner. the title is rebellious towards society with the spray painted implying the social background the film is aimed at. Represents the idea of mystery and how they aimed to let the poster do all the talking because of how there isn't much text on the poster.
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