Vance Joy context:
- Riptide was Vance Joy's first single to be released in the USA, it became a platinum selling single.
- Has nearly 100 million views on youtube
- He's an australian singer signed to Atlantic record, a subsidiary of major label Warner
- His music can fit into the indie-folk-pop genre
- Music video directed by Dimitri Basil and Lauran Gorun
Music video:
- The video is completely based on the lyrics, there is a clear symbolic link between the visuals and the lyrics.
- Came across as quite abusive towards women, domestic abuse is a big theme.
- There's a constant change of scene throughout the whole video, to the point it's lots for a music video.
- The master-shot is the shot of the woman singing and throughout the song she becomes more and more of a mess with her makeup running down her face, making it contrapuntal as it's a nice and cheerful sounding song.
- There are loads of close-up shots of props in which link to the lyrics of the song which has been done well.
- The narrative is totally unclear, we have a woman running away from abuse possibly.
- The video is totally aspacial, which means it has no limit to ground or location as it is constantly changing setting, also atemporal which means it has no relativity of time
- Deliberate lyrics put onto the video as if she's singing karaoke but the lyrics are purposely incorrect.
- Purpose of the video is to be subversive, against the norm which encourages people to talk about it; word of mouth
- Structuralism; Strauss' theory of binary opposition
- Representation; how women are represented
- Intertextuality; referential codes
How does the video create meaning for the audience?
Diametric oppositions is the same as binary oppositions; useful in ways so you don't repeat the same term over and over.
Binary oppositions:
- To provide conflict, pretty much saying we as humans love conflict
- It makes it easier to create characters using binary oppositions
- To create meaning in the media product, providing anchorage
- Helps emphasise the point you are trying to get across, they help get across the preferred reading and help them understand. However they can also be used to confuse the audience
- To be funny
A hardcut is a cut with no transitions
Binary oppositions in the video:
- The blue sky (establishing shot) at the start to then having the girl with a gag in her mouth looking as if she's being tortured
- The waves hitting then seeing a woman try to run in heels looking fragile and vulnerable
- Then we see a woman walking in heels again but this time in the dark
- The woman in a swimsuit taking the straps off her shoulders after seeing a lampshade swinging on the ceiling which is meant to be seen as creepy; the woman stripping is meant to be physically appealing
- Constantly linking life and death
- Still and movement, her being tied to a tree to a shot of her running away
- The western shot with the cowboy and then the balcony shot with the woman; male and female.
- Hi-tech and old fashioned with the cowboy and the Plane
- Primary colours of red and yellow of the ice creams being removed from each other, being aesthetically pleasing
- The chandelier shaking to the woman being tied down, movement and stillness
- The magician and the fortune teller, one brings entertainment whereas the other ruins the lives of others.
- Glamour and distress, the woman singing wearing the nice dress with the makeup on her face being all over the place, previously she looked glamorous, she had impeccable make-up.
- Dreams and nightmare, An attractive woman at the beach in a swimsuit then seeing an attractive woman being tied down and gagged
- Morality and Immorality
- Clothing and nudity, Shot with the woman taking the swimsuit off to the majority of other shots with the women being fully clothed
- Freedom and imprisonment, the tarot cards shows the meaning of it

- Has nearly 100 million views on youtube
- He's an australian singer signed to Atlantic record, a subsidiary of major label Warner
- His music can fit into the indie-folk-pop genre
- Music video directed by Dimitri Basil and Lauran Gorun
Music video:
- The video is completely based on the lyrics, there is a clear symbolic link between the visuals and the lyrics.
- Came across as quite abusive towards women, domestic abuse is a big theme.
- There's a constant change of scene throughout the whole video, to the point it's lots for a music video.
- The master-shot is the shot of the woman singing and throughout the song she becomes more and more of a mess with her makeup running down her face, making it contrapuntal as it's a nice and cheerful sounding song.
- There are loads of close-up shots of props in which link to the lyrics of the song which has been done well.
- The narrative is totally unclear, we have a woman running away from abuse possibly.
- The video is totally aspacial, which means it has no limit to ground or location as it is constantly changing setting, also atemporal which means it has no relativity of time
- Deliberate lyrics put onto the video as if she's singing karaoke but the lyrics are purposely incorrect.
- Purpose of the video is to be subversive, against the norm which encourages people to talk about it; word of mouth
- Structuralism; Strauss' theory of binary opposition
- Representation; how women are represented
- Intertextuality; referential codes
How does the video create meaning for the audience?
Diametric oppositions is the same as binary oppositions; useful in ways so you don't repeat the same term over and over.
Binary oppositions:
- To provide conflict, pretty much saying we as humans love conflict
- It makes it easier to create characters using binary oppositions
- To create meaning in the media product, providing anchorage
- Helps emphasise the point you are trying to get across, they help get across the preferred reading and help them understand. However they can also be used to confuse the audience
- To be funny
A hardcut is a cut with no transitions
Binary oppositions in the video:
- The blue sky (establishing shot) at the start to then having the girl with a gag in her mouth looking as if she's being tortured
- The waves hitting then seeing a woman try to run in heels looking fragile and vulnerable
- Then we see a woman walking in heels again but this time in the dark
- The woman in a swimsuit taking the straps off her shoulders after seeing a lampshade swinging on the ceiling which is meant to be seen as creepy; the woman stripping is meant to be physically appealing
- Constantly linking life and death
- Still and movement, her being tied to a tree to a shot of her running away
- The western shot with the cowboy and then the balcony shot with the woman; male and female.
- Hi-tech and old fashioned with the cowboy and the Plane
- Primary colours of red and yellow of the ice creams being removed from each other, being aesthetically pleasing
- The chandelier shaking to the woman being tied down, movement and stillness
- The magician and the fortune teller, one brings entertainment whereas the other ruins the lives of others.
- Glamour and distress, the woman singing wearing the nice dress with the makeup on her face being all over the place, previously she looked glamorous, she had impeccable make-up.
- Dreams and nightmare, An attractive woman at the beach in a swimsuit then seeing an attractive woman being tied down and gagged
- Morality and Immorality
- Clothing and nudity, Shot with the woman taking the swimsuit off to the majority of other shots with the women being fully clothed

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