Sexuality - encoded within images through colours; rainbow and pastel colours show femininity. a sexual nature can be portrayed through body language and clothing; things like pouted lips and eye contact, lack of clothes typically infers a sexual tone for the media product.
Pen portrait -
Name : Kieron Law
Age : 17
Costume : Big jumpers, very covered up, generic
Place of origin : Middlesborough

Key ideology : Don't want to be as famous as possible, just want to put the music out there, doesn't want fame to change me.
Style : Nothing too designer, bright clothes, jumper. casual

Paradigmatic features of a magazine :
- Big bold titles
- Large central images
- Far fewer words; cover lines
- More expensive than newspapers and posters
- Barcode
- Price tag is typically on the front
- Will have an issue number
- Sometimes will have a frequency
- Often will have a slogan under the masthead
- Composition; often lots of space on the cover
- Sometimes there is a direct mode of address
Name : Kieron Law
Age : 17
Costume : Big jumpers, very covered up, generic
Place of origin : Middlesborough
Key ideology : Don't want to be as famous as possible, just want to put the music out there, doesn't want fame to change me.
Style : Nothing too designer, bright clothes, jumper. casual

Paradigmatic features of a magazine :
- Big bold titles
- Large central images
- Far fewer words; cover lines
- More expensive than newspapers and posters
- Barcode
- Price tag is typically on the front
- Will have an issue number
- Sometimes will have a frequency
- Often will have a slogan under the masthead
- Composition; often lots of space on the cover
- Sometimes there is a direct mode of address
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