Hyperreality - Beyond reality; Where the representation is more real than the reality
"it is no longer a question of imitation, nor duplication, nor even parody. it is a question of substituting the signs of the real for the real" - Jean Baudrillard
Simulation - A perfect recreation; not real
Simulacra - a representation of something that has never happened
It's becoming increasingly more difficult to tell what is real and what isn't real.
The fake is more real than the thing it is replacing; if we can't establish between the fakes and reality then there is no point doing so.
War - represented in video games as if it's just a game; in reality it's traumatic, a living hell. We find it amusing even though it's an awful dehumanising thing. Must be entertaining for an audience.
Propaganda - used by people high in power to get people to believe a fake reality in order to benefit them.
Sex - the idea of your first time; being awkward and embarrassing but also symbolising a loss of innocence and purity. The false hope portrayed by media products that make reality feel underwhelming; Rose petals, low-key lighting, longer than it is which all creates a hyperreality that makes reality underwhelming. Fifty shades of grey is an example of a hyperreality of an abusive relationship.
Post modernism - Cannot be defined; A post modern media product that deliberately breaks rules
The breakfast scene (Humans) -
- Anita compared to a Dishwasher by Mattie after finding it underwhelming that breakfast had been prepared.
- The breakfast prepared by Anita is a hyperreality of breakfast and what it isn't like in reality, having a breakfast of that size and with all that food for a family of that social class is incredibly unlikely. It almost looks like a breakfast at a hotel which in itself is a hyperreality of what accommodation should look like. Also it is relatively unlikely that a whole family would sit down together and eat this quantity; it is inefficient.
- The Close up shot at the start of the scene showing the shocked facial expressions and body language of the family show it's not normal for a family of this class; Mattie shows less enthusiasm
- Anita's laugh is un-natural and hyperreal, it's perfect for Joe because it provides someone to laugh at his bad jokes. Anita is a hyperreal construction of a woman, Anita is perfect because she cooks a good breakfast; a stereotypical norm for a woman with her cleaning too. she laughs until she gets told to stop, stereotypically she's a perfect woman because she does what she is told. Joe may even prefer her to Laura because of the fact she is not real.
- Anita has very defined cheek bones, her eyes stand out a lot; she looks like a doll through her blank facial expressions - cognitive dissonance; the inability to hold two thoughts at the same time and it freaks us out because it is unnatural. Anita is both alive and beautiful yet at the same time she is dead and cold.
- "The jam is in a thing!" - Sophie after seeing the jam in a little pot, she would see this only on tv and in hotels.
Post modernism -
- Post modern products will often aim to be offensive
- They are deliberately trashy/break rules
- Funny games (1997); breaks the fourth wall
- Often make reference to other media products and text
- Deliberately complicated narrative

Examples :
- It borrows from other texts
- Takes things from other tv shows: bladerunner, westworld
- Can't understand it unless we've watched other sci-fi things
- The narrative is deliberately complicated
"it is no longer a question of imitation, nor duplication, nor even parody. it is a question of substituting the signs of the real for the real" - Jean Baudrillard
Simulation - A perfect recreation; not real
Simulacra - a representation of something that has never happened
It's becoming increasingly more difficult to tell what is real and what isn't real.
The fake is more real than the thing it is replacing; if we can't establish between the fakes and reality then there is no point doing so.
War - represented in video games as if it's just a game; in reality it's traumatic, a living hell. We find it amusing even though it's an awful dehumanising thing. Must be entertaining for an audience.
Propaganda - used by people high in power to get people to believe a fake reality in order to benefit them.
Sex - the idea of your first time; being awkward and embarrassing but also symbolising a loss of innocence and purity. The false hope portrayed by media products that make reality feel underwhelming; Rose petals, low-key lighting, longer than it is which all creates a hyperreality that makes reality underwhelming. Fifty shades of grey is an example of a hyperreality of an abusive relationship.
Post modernism - Cannot be defined; A post modern media product that deliberately breaks rules
The breakfast scene (Humans) -
- Anita compared to a Dishwasher by Mattie after finding it underwhelming that breakfast had been prepared.
- The breakfast prepared by Anita is a hyperreality of breakfast and what it isn't like in reality, having a breakfast of that size and with all that food for a family of that social class is incredibly unlikely. It almost looks like a breakfast at a hotel which in itself is a hyperreality of what accommodation should look like. Also it is relatively unlikely that a whole family would sit down together and eat this quantity; it is inefficient.
- The Close up shot at the start of the scene showing the shocked facial expressions and body language of the family show it's not normal for a family of this class; Mattie shows less enthusiasm
- Anita's laugh is un-natural and hyperreal, it's perfect for Joe because it provides someone to laugh at his bad jokes. Anita is a hyperreal construction of a woman, Anita is perfect because she cooks a good breakfast; a stereotypical norm for a woman with her cleaning too. she laughs until she gets told to stop, stereotypically she's a perfect woman because she does what she is told. Joe may even prefer her to Laura because of the fact she is not real.
- Anita has very defined cheek bones, her eyes stand out a lot; she looks like a doll through her blank facial expressions - cognitive dissonance; the inability to hold two thoughts at the same time and it freaks us out because it is unnatural. Anita is both alive and beautiful yet at the same time she is dead and cold.
- "The jam is in a thing!" - Sophie after seeing the jam in a little pot, she would see this only on tv and in hotels.
Post modernism -
- Post modern products will often aim to be offensive
- They are deliberately trashy/break rules
- Funny games (1997); breaks the fourth wall
- Often make reference to other media products and text
- Deliberately complicated narrative

Examples :
- It borrows from other texts
- Takes things from other tv shows: bladerunner, westworld
- Can't understand it unless we've watched other sci-fi things
- The narrative is deliberately complicated
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