Representation :

- Fundamental to media studies
- A re-presentation and demonstrates the ideology of the producer
- Every media product is constructed with the motivation of making money
- Allows audiences to identify with certain people
- Used to anchor the audience; to manipulate the commonly held beliefs of society (stereotypes)
- Used as a shortcut for the producer to save time, allows the producer to manipulate the ideology of the product to change how the audience views things; producers want to influence the audience and make them think what they think
- The reason why the producer chooses to manipulate the ideology is to reinforce societal values

Focus on :

- the group, place or issue which the media product is focusing on
- The media language the media product uses in order to present these groups or issues
- The ideological perspective about the group or issue being created within the product
- The impact of this ideological perspective on the target audience 

Stereotypical representations limit the visibility of certain groups in society; makes certain groups feel isolated and could become positive or negative

Promotional image - images that aren't actually part of the show but are taken to sell the product; used to advertise. Representations of the characters are used in them

Press pack - contains information that helps you review the show; sent to the press 

Camille :

- Teenage girl; selection of actor clearly looks younger than she is, casting of her was done on purpose, they could have picked someone more stereotypically attractive like her sister for example
- Mise-en-scene of the flowers behind her creates a binary opposition between life and death
- they selected an image of her looking directly at the camera looking miserable and grumpy
- they have picked and outfit for her that looks mature as well as her hair, doesn't look exciting and doesn't look like a stereotypical child either
- She looks so pale almost as if she's dead; stereotypical of the horror genre
- Looks very tired, dead inside; typical teenager
- You could argue the negative representation of teenage girls could manipulate the audience into believing all teenage girls are grumpy

Claire Seguret (Camille's mum) :

- Stereotypical middle aged mother
- Stereotypically attractive; however she looks quite rough and her jumper looks scruffy
- French style is about making yourself look naturalistic makeup and looking as if you don't care
- her inclusion appeals to middle aged people; she doesn't intentionally look like a model
- She looks much more glamorous than Laura, looks tall and skinny and therefore hegemonically attractive
- She's an atypical mother
- She's serious and uncaring; she looks like she's been hurt and scarred

Madame Costa :

- Middle aged woman; middle class through the way she's dressed
- Looks like she's got a white-collar job
- She looks tired and drained; vulnerable
- She's in two scenes only: eating spaghetti out of a pan which is quite childish and mischievous and then where she's getting tied up and burnt by her husband

Simon :

- Young male adult
- Represented as being really serious
- Looks stern, angry and grumpy
- Wearing a leather jacket which has connotations of rebellion
- Dark black hair linked to a dark past and personality 
- He takes on the role of an antagonist in the show
- Stereotypically attractive
- Reinforces there are particular ways to behave; also reinforces hegemonic values of attractiveness

Julie :

- Middle class, middle class woman
- Not hegemonically attractive
- Hasn't been sexualised and subverts it completely

The cast as a whole :

- Stereotypically french 
- Resembles the twilight series; reinforces the mystery, paranormal and romantic horror genres
- TV ugly (not hegemonically attractive) with the pale skin, etc... which makes it subversive of television in general however it is typical to cult tv shows
- Forms a binary opposition between the mundane looking cast and the fantastic nature of the plot and storyline
- They're all white; the only non-white character is the firefighter

Magical realism genre - fantastical elements in a normal world

France has been known to be less ethnically diverse; therefore the fact the whole cast is white might reflect political values. Stereotypically horror and sci-fi is dominantly populated by white people, therefore the show lives up to horror conventions. This just simply just reflects the demographics of the show's setting e.g. the alps.

They area also universally middle class.

We see a complete lack or representation of ethnic minorities; symbolic annihilation, no black people as if they don't exist.
