How far can aspects of identity be seen to affect the way in which audiences use online media? Discuss, with reference to Zoella and Attitude. [30]
Zoella is a 29 year old English Youtuber, vlogger, businesswoman, and author. she is best well known for her Youtube career in which she has two channels, her main channel has 11.4 million subscribers. In her videos, she presents a perfect world, she has a perfect non-sexualising boyfriend. This hyperreal world is to distract ourselves of our own world which is far too confusing to understand. Her Youtube channel allows her subscribers and fans to communicate directly with Zoe Sugg via the comment section on her videos. The dominant ideology within her videos is to be child-friendly, there's nothing ever particularly offensive which links to her target audience, primarily being young teenage girls most likely. Zoella isn't real, Zoella is a hyperreal representation as we can only see of her what she wants us to see. An example of this could be in her 'Apartment tour video' in which she shows the viewers around a property which clearly isn't where she actually lives and instead it's essentially a big advert for her products. The apartment is a hyperreality of an apartment with how clean it is and the how visually pleasing it looks. David Gauntlett's theory of identity was that audiences can pick and choose which ideologies suit them, and completely ignore the elements of the product which they do not agree with in a process of negotiation, this could be applied to the idea that Zoella's subscriber's are essentially the producers as well as the audience due to the idea that her income comes from how popular a particular video is; considering this idea, Zoe would have to create videos in which her viewers would want to watch otherwise her income would fall which is why she constantly has to adapt to recent trends, etc.
Attitude is a British gay lifestyle magazine owned by Stream Publishing Limited. It is sold worldwide as a physical magazine, and as a digital download. Gauntlett's theory states that audiences are not passive, and media products allow the audience to construct their own identities
Zoella is a 29 year old English Youtuber, vlogger, businesswoman, and author. she is best well known for her Youtube career in which she has two channels, her main channel has 11.4 million subscribers. In her videos, she presents a perfect world, she has a perfect non-sexualising boyfriend. This hyperreal world is to distract ourselves of our own world which is far too confusing to understand. Her Youtube channel allows her subscribers and fans to communicate directly with Zoe Sugg via the comment section on her videos. The dominant ideology within her videos is to be child-friendly, there's nothing ever particularly offensive which links to her target audience, primarily being young teenage girls most likely. Zoella isn't real, Zoella is a hyperreal representation as we can only see of her what she wants us to see. An example of this could be in her 'Apartment tour video' in which she shows the viewers around a property which clearly isn't where she actually lives and instead it's essentially a big advert for her products. The apartment is a hyperreality of an apartment with how clean it is and the how visually pleasing it looks. David Gauntlett's theory of identity was that audiences can pick and choose which ideologies suit them, and completely ignore the elements of the product which they do not agree with in a process of negotiation, this could be applied to the idea that Zoella's subscriber's are essentially the producers as well as the audience due to the idea that her income comes from how popular a particular video is; considering this idea, Zoe would have to create videos in which her viewers would want to watch otherwise her income would fall which is why she constantly has to adapt to recent trends, etc.
Attitude is a British gay lifestyle magazine owned by Stream Publishing Limited. It is sold worldwide as a physical magazine, and as a digital download. Gauntlett's theory states that audiences are not passive, and media products allow the audience to construct their own identities
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